Since then I’ve spoken a few times about the idea that by narrating our work, we can perhaps restore some of what was lost when factories and then offices made work opaque and not easily observable. Software developers are in the vanguard of this reintegration, because our work processes as well as our work processes are fully mediated by digital networks. But it can happen in other lines of work too, and I’m sure it will.
— “Data-driven career discovery” (Jon Udell blog)
How do Plumbers Solve Problems?
It’s been clear to me for a long time that the participant/narrator, armed with easy-to-use Web publishing technology (aka blog tools), will be a key player on every professional and civic team. A couple of years ago I sketched out how blog narrative can work as a professional project management tool.
— “The participant/narrator: owning the role” (Jon Udell, formerly published at InfoWorld)
Featured image: 2012/366/103 Jon Udell in Mid Thought flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license